

Maret 23, 2009


Oke, gw bingung pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini buat apa, en gw nyerah ga tau mo buat apa. Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini sama sulitnya dengan ngisi form pajak, Ampyun!!!. So… Just answer and let’s confused, guys!!!

Ehemm..So the rule are so simple. You just have to answer the question below and search the answer on the google image. Choose one of the image on the first page of the result and post it as your answer. Remember, image on the first page.

** Because i didn’t have enough time to search and upload all the photo answers, i just give you the answers. And please give me some favor, find them selves for me muahahahahah.
Let’s begin…

Part 1.

1. Age of my next birthday232. Place to travel

Japan, Italy

3. Favorite place

Gramedia,  My room, Food Court

4. Favorite food

Waffle, Pancake & Crepe

5. Favorite thing

My Teddy Bear Niwa!!!

6. Favorite color

All colours, like a rainbow on the sky, Yay!!!

7. City i was born :


8. Nickname i had


9. College major


10. Name of my love :


11. A bad habit

Lazy, NATO (No Action Think Only)

12. A hobby

Reading manga-novel, Watching cartoons, Observing life.

13. Wish list :

– Secret plan, just me and God who know this.

Part 2.

1. Sebutkan penyanyi pop favoritmu :

Afgan Syahreza, kyaaaa….. Afgan!!!! (kaya anak SMP ketemu Backstreet Boys)

2. Apa arti dari EMO menurutmu?

EMO = Enak Makan Ote-ote!!! Maknyus tuh!!! (Ote-ote = Bakwan)

3. Setujukah jika dangdut go-international?

Muahahahhaha (ketawa guling-guling), ehem, ehem. Well, terserah ajah, gw no comment ajah.

4. Koleksi album apa yang kamu miliki? Ada berapa?

Ga suka ngumpulin album, apalagi album foto.

5. Mengapa musik metal selalu teriak-teriak?

MENEKETEHE CHOY!!!. Kalo bisik-bisik malah dikira musik-nya lelembut, hiiiiy…

6. Sebarkan award ini ke 7 orang

Hmm… Let’s me see. Ike Agusta, Fajar Prasanti, Fendy Faiqurahman, Irfan Syafur, Hery Purnama, Lilies (HER), NiSa.

** On a lighter note :
Sebenernya gw bingung, kenapa harus jawab pertanyaan ga penting ini? En kenapa juga harus nge-tag 7 orang? Apakah ini kuis berhadiah? Tapi terserah lah. Pokoknya Afgan is the best (lho?!). Kyaaaa Afgan!!!

See You All 😛

Satu komentar

  1. Gyahahha…
    *cium prita
    makasihh y buu dah mo ngerjain ini… ^^
    aku juga gak ngerti fungsinya apaann… kaan kayak email berantai gitu jadinya… huhehhehe
    mizz u. Muuachh

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